Des centaines de clients répartis à travers le monde font partie de la famille Symach et agissent en tant que défenseurs de leurs paires. Ils participent à l’évolution des produits et des solutions, partageant des exemples concrets et des conseils aux experts Symach, qui recherchent en permanence des améliorations . Merci !
Lire leurs témoignages
Symach provides a comprehensive solution to collision repair. They understand the entire process, and do not just sell a common spray booth. We are looking forward to improvements in work flow, cycle time, and repair quality.
Nous avons été sélectionnés comme finalistes du NBRA Greener Bodyshop Award et du Carbon Footprint Award. Nous avons réduit notre empreinte carbone en installant le système Symach Fixline ! Les systèmes de sèchage Symach réduisent la consommation d’énergie jusqu’à 90 % !! En savoir plus
It’s not through harder work or more labor-intensive ways of doing things, but through the smart use of their equipment. It’s incredible. It’s when they see the shop that they really get ‘wowed’ and they feel confident and excited about their car being there compared to what a shop would normally look like. It looks like a hospital operating room; it’s so clean, lighting is good, and everything is bright.
Cole Brunswig parle de l’utilisation de l’équipement Symach dans son atelier de carrosserie et de la manière dont il a aidé à la gestion du temps. Regarde la vidéo.
Fantastique! Toute notre équipe est vraiment heureuse et fière d’utiliser Fixline. Ils ont beaucoup de confort au travail et sont heureux d’utiliser des équipements de haute technologie: ils sont très motivés. Nous n’avions pas douté et c’est maintenant confirmé: après deux semaines d’entraînement, nous constatons déjà l’efficacité! Notre souhait: installer une deuxième Fixline en France dans une autre ville d’ici 2020! C’est un plaisir de travailler avec ce partenaire italien qui comprend nos problèmes de travail contrairement à nos partenaires français qui ne comprennent pas la différence entre efficacité et efficience. Merci à toute l’équipe de Symach pour son professionnalisme et sa confiance.
This is a new modern body shop process that represents Symach’s latest concept in terms of productivity, quality and service. Our new layout and repair process when combined with Drytronic technology creates a painting cycle that provides a 50 percent to 60 percent increase in productivity, as well as an increase of 1.5–2 repairs per week, per technician, this creates more jobs for the citizens of Tulsa along with creating better working situations for body techs and painters.
We still want to congratulate Symach and your people for great job performed for us. (Installers) From Patricio and his Team, they were very professional and new exactly what they had to do and were doing. Did their work very fast and neatly. He did explain true out the process how everything works and is assembled. I did enjoy getting to know them all. (Engineer commissioning) Paolo had the patience for us to get the last details done, and start up the system and finalize the settings. Again a very nice person and also explained us very well about the equipment. (Trainer) Andrea, he gave a very well presentation to the Management and Bodyshop team, he had to struggle with the heat of the Island. We are very pleased with the way he gave the training and explained the process very well, it was a pleasant experience with Andrea. He has a lot of knowledge of the system, and we adapted the process times and settings to work the best in our environment. We have had small very minor things but nothing that we can handle our selves. Again we are thank full to Osvaldo and Symach for a excellent service given, you have a great product and system. And we (I am) very proud to have the system in house and to work with. Hope all is well with Osvaldo and your team at Symach, and we definitely will keep in touch. Saludos
I couldn’t be happier teaming up with SYMACH to design and build my dream shop. Forward thinking minds of the Collison industry joining forces to prepare for the future of Collison repair Thank you for all your attention to detail.
Da undici mesi la mia carrozzeria utilizza il Processo FixLine: il costo totale del lavoro è diminuito del 9%, il tempo medio di consegna è di 2.4 giorni ed ho aumentato da 38 a 60 le riparazioni alla settimana, fantastica scelta.
From March my new shop uses the FixLine process, it took me 4 months to set up everything properly but from August my staff is producing 105% more compared my previous shop, definitely choice smart .