Installation of Symach FixLine system completed at the former TAMMS Accident Management, now Carllision Bodyworks

Installation completed for a new Symach FixLine system for the former TAMMS Accident Management, now Carllision Bodyworks, located at 1 Comley St. Sunshine N, Melbourne, AUS. With this FixLine, the collision repair facility can repair up to 10 cars per day.

This innovative in-line repair process includes a DryKing spray booth with pneumatic doors for side loading of the cars, the PLC touch screen for completely automated management of the booth and the PowerLED lighting system for perfect visibility during spraying phases.

The preparation bay is equipped with the Paint Window Extraction, a vertical system for air extraction, that will avoid the need for pits in the prep area and the FlyDry Hybrid drying robot. The FlyDry Hybrid works with both IR and UV technologies, so the prep bay will work as a spray and drying area for classic as well as UV primer application.

The FixLine is completed with a fully equipped Paint Mixing Room and the CarMover system, to move the cars along the production line.