Symach Breaking News 05 | May 2022

Symach customer journey begins with the understanding of customer’s needs and objectives, in line with shop size and market segment. We are happy to share with you the real steps of this journey made by concept, projection, layout, production, installation, training, relationship, magic and stories.


Tulley Collision, USA.

Symach completed the installation of a highly efficient FixLine DryKing-KombiKing in Tulley’s collision repair shop in Nashua, NH, USA.

This FixLine is made of a DryKing spray booth, a KombiKing (patented) drying cabin, a Paint Mixing Room, a BaseTron preparation bay equipped with the FlyDry UV-hybrid drying robot and the Vacuum Sanding System, and a CarWash cabin.

The Symach PowerLED lighting system gives it all an extraordinary light, for perfect visibility of colors and paint jobs. This combination of equipment allows for a production of up to 16 repairs per day.


ETS Vance Automobile Group, in Les Meaux, France

New collision repair shop for the Renault Meaux dealer in Les Meaux, France, equipped with the FixLine system opened to the public on Monday 9/05.

The repair shop is equipped with: 1 FixStation equipped with FlyDry, 1 DryKing, 1 BaseTron with electric Curtain, 1 PaintMixingRoom, FlyDry in preparation bay, CarMover, PowerLED lights, CarLift e LiftPull


E.G.S. LobAr

Symach announces the production and installation of two DryKing spray booth to E.G.S. LobArt: a company specialised in serial production of carbon fiber components and works glass fiber, polyester and Kevlar as well, for top customers within the Automotive field.

DryKing is the classic spraybooth by Symach that dries any paint using hot air, and can be equipped with the PowerLED lighting system, for the highest possible color fidelity. Best quality components and sleek design are the highlights of this high performance booth.


Tamms (Australia).

TAMMS Repair Centre Sunshine North, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, will open a new bodyshop equipped by Symach!The equipment for Tamms has been shipped in Australia
1 DryKing
1 PrepTron with electric Curtains
1 BaseTron with 2 Paint Window Extraction
1 PaintMixingRoom
1 FlyDry Hybrid
PowerLED lights


Peter Wilkinson & Co., Welshpool, WA, Australia.

DryKingKombiKing (patented) FixLine for up to 16 job cycles a day for Peter Wilkinson & Co., one of only a few in Australia that has been factory authorized to perform body repair and paintwork services on Mercedes Benz, Genesis, Lexus, BMW and Mini vehicles.