Symach Equipment @CSN Cars Auto Collision

Burlington, ON, Canada
Layout: Fixline SprayTron


  1. SprayTron spray booth with RoboDry IR drying robot
  2. BaseTron preparation bay equipped with FlyDry IR drying robot
  3. PaintWindowExtraction
  4. PaintMixingRoom
  5. DryBox oven equipped with DryTronic technology to dry parts on stands
  6. CarWash
  7. FlyDry IR drying robot in preparation bay
  8. MultiBox dispenser for compressed air and electricity, with retractable tubes
  9. VacuumSandingSystem
  10. CarMover side-load system
  11. PowerLUX lighting system
  12. CarLift

“Productivity has already increased, and we’re just starting to see the benefit. We’re getting cars in and out faster, and nobody is stressed out. It’s wonderful.”